5 Lame Reasons Why Guys Always Want Nude Pics

The Female Marriage Proposal

Don't Play the Victim When You're the One Who Picked Him

It's Okay To Be Needy

A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy

Chasing Dudes is Desperate Lame and Pathetic

You are correct about the 60′s revolution, Heather. Sure it gave us our freedom, but with that came countless consequences of which you have given prime examples, especially child abuse.


Yeah, I want the normal life. That’s how I was raised and I’m a perfectly fine functional adult, as are the rest of my family. I take “personal responsibility” for what’s at stake in my life- my husband and my child. I share that with no one because it is sacred to me.


Actually, odds are that the STD rate was either similar to today or higher before the sexual revolution. Both the more commonplace acceptance of forms of birth control that also reduce STD risk, as well as the general empowerment of women over their lives and choices, impacted STD rates. Furthermore, the idea that open relationships “erode morals” is frankly rhetorical bs. The nuclear family itself is an invention of the industrial era. It was much more common even only 100 years ago for children to be raised a combination of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and others. Many mothers died in childbirth. And no small number of fathers were gone due to warfare, commonplace diseases like TB, or simply abandoning their families. People act like the sky has fallen in recent decades, but the reality is that there have always been numerous challenges facing intimate relationships. I, personally, want to be with one person in a monogamous relationship, but I don’t see that as the only workable model.

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